Big guns also use massive amounts of ammo, having a ready supply of lots of ammo is nessecary to being effective with Big Guns. Big guns also often require high Strength, if you’ve decided on using a Big Guns character then I recomend that you start with 6 Strength, which allows you to use the Bozar and Light support weapon, and once you get Power Armor your strength will go to it’s maximum of 10, allowing use of all Big Guns. The first time you picked up a Big Gun, you might see how low damage it does, however what the item stats fail to mention is this is the damage per shot, Big Guns shoot in bursts and bursts only, usually more than small guns, anywhere between 10-40 per burst, this results in a massive amout of damage being done if all shots hit, the probabillity that shots will hit is determined by the distance from your target and your Big Guns Skill. If you already understand how Big Guns work, or don’t care, skip this section